Lol, fun times in Goon Town.
The squabbling continues over the south side log...Boss has settled into it for now. Jazz is a most determined acara as stubborn as any cichlid. She grabs plants around the opening of the log and shakes them aggressively. Then she roots out a pit next to the log and slaps the sand with her tail. The parrot just watches her antics like "Don't give a damn." When nothing else gets results Jazz forces her way inside. That doesn't work either...Boss bangs her right back out. So she just sits in the sand for hours on end at the opening. The only time she can get in there is when Boss heads to the other log. Jazz can't get near the north side log, that's where Brick has his pit.
Speaking of the King, he continues his crusade of ripping plant stems and decorating. Some pieces I remove, some I leave floating to tangle in stuff. Brick loves lounging in his pit most of the day. Sometimes he'll lay on his side and barrel roll on the bottom. Then he arranges his stones. I put a couple of flat boulders in his spot for furniture. This oscar is strong boulder is 2lbs, the other 3lbs. He moves them with no problem and without injuring himself or straining.
Very soon it will be time for Pip's crew to join their other siblings. They're putting on size at a ludicrous rate. I'd leave a couple of her daughters in if I could reliably sex them. Most of this group have stripes...don't see any blanks. Maybe five have the washed out look. Pip still runs the gang though...they've set up shop under the big corner filter, behind the south log and in the plants. The babies dart everywhere in and out of hiding. They scamper in the logs, too. A few times they skitter across Brick's pit. He watches them but doesn't waste energy on cookie snacks.
I'm going to test out the so called 'invisible red net' made by Penn Plax. Supposedly the red color is hard for fish to see. Not sure I believe that, but I need a 10 inch net and nothing's available in the other colors right now. I also checked out one of Joey's videos on how to catch fish in large tanks. It's kind of ridiculous having to nearly drain the 225 and take everything out to catch these hrp snips.
Rainbow Salt shares a log with Boss no problem. The parrot likewise has no issue with the hrps. Generally Pip only comes out for food and stays in her area in cover. She chases the babies when they annoy her by fighting.
I've got an odd situation with some bulk pellets that are supposedly Hikari...they seem to have some kind of small thin worms (1/4 inch) that develop when the pellets get wet...i've been cleaning the glass lids of any soft food residue. That's when I see them, moving around in a soft/wet pellet.. The worms are dark reddish brown. If any one can clue me on what these are I'd appreciate it. Haven't had this happen with the regular Hikari I get in the foil bags.
My chocolate Bobo recently broke out in a random pimple again...definitely lympho but only one triangle shaped bump on her head. I salted her up three days ago and it's nearly gone. I've accepted the fact she's just prone to these outbreaks.
The 125 stand can't get here soon enough. Custom Aquariums said they're behind schedule due to illness of several employees (hmm). For the most part severum Corn and Bobo sharing a tank is reasonably ok but not ideal. Corn, who acted out in the 225 is now meek and mild. Why? Because my calm poof of a chocolate is now turning Goon. Bobo bumps the severum sometimes and runs him up to the surface. She doesn't hassle or chase but Corn knows his place. The only reason I haven't' separated them is because chocolates make terrible goons and aren't very good at it.