• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

More tank pics, updated

Small notes and tidbits...

Brick still looks like he's been in the toaster oven too long. Have no idea what this 'black' phase is all about.
Pothos leaves are being eaten in sections. However, they are now sprouting underwater. The melt is very slow at this point as they're adapting to being submerged.
Last batch of guppy grass in all tanks = salad. Small bits of it left in the 225, growout and Lazarus' tank. The hrps pushed some into a nesting mat but I don't see it now.
More guppy grass is in a bucket and I plan to let it grow in a tub. Have seachem Flourish I will be using, adding to the tanks as well.
The flourish is needed in the 125 as the hornwort (what's left of it) is in some competition with the pothos.
First batch of hornwort = 90 percent melt/shed after transplanting despite doing well in the buckets for days. So far it's done a better job of clogging the filters than anything else. Went to pot after a week. I've got more, and will let all of it float and add seachem this time.
Have a HUGE batch of Elodea Densa from an ebay seller on the way. I'm determined to make this plant thing work and hopefully the Seachem Flourish will give a boost. The idea is to eventually replace most of the artificial stuff, using it as fillers and to protect the real plants.
Overall all plants doing best in the 225, even some hornwort...gee, I wonder why?
Pothos doing best in the parrot tanks, the breeder with female hrps and the 225. Leaves huge. The lime pothos in the 225 is rooting nicely.
Syno Spot likes to sleep in the pothos at the surface now (upside down).
The Hrp Scales Mafia has had a major (permanent?) takeover in the 125. It seems Slade has taken over as big Boss. Happened several days ago. No more shared territory with brother Mongo. Slade keeps his hump at all times, flares at everything (including me lol) and puffs more than a Meeki on crack. Mongo now stays in a log along the back wall hiding. When he comes out he's immediately surrounded by his large sons who pin him in.
Slade meanwhile has taken over Mongo's branch cave.
10 babies out of Mongo/Reeva. half striped, half pink. These are more renegade babies (not to be confused with Renegade Baby in Lazarus' tank). These ones escaped being eaten.
The 3 fry out of Harlequin/Slade are getting good size now, 1 1/2 to 2" ish.
Lazarus the miracle fish is around 4 " plus and tall bodied! If he weren't stunted he'd likely be one of the giants like his brothers. He's made up a lot of ground from his tiny size as an adult.
Always something in fishkeeping. One minute it's quiet, the next, drama...

So I notice one of my dominant male hrps Slade has disappeared for over a day. I'm thinking he's tucked up tryng to breed again so I figure to break it up. Along the back wall I see his head sideways in a log with his mouth open! I felt sick, thinking he was dead. So I lift the log out with the tongs and he starts flapping around! He's stuck tight as a tick. Couldn't pull him out. Couldn't shake or wiggle him out. So I set him in a bucket and carefully snipped at the bottom with scissors. He was in there so tight I didn't want to cut his belly. Fortunately the log mold broke open and he fell out. A little scuffed but not too bad. Went a bit shocky so I watched him closely. I put him back in the bucket with a bubbler. The log I stood on end so he could lean on it. I smoothed and chopped away at the opening so in the future nobody can get stuck in it.

Here's goofball. Now how the hell did he jam himself in so tight? His nuchal hump wedged up under the lip. Slade's literally filling up the whole log. If he's still ok tonight I'll put him back in the 125.

stuck 1.jpg

stuck 1a.jpg

stuck 2.jpg

I'm gradually starting to transition some fish and tanks. Plan moving forward:

Unload Mica's babies in tub.
Unload Blackbeard and Brutus' babies in the growout along with some stragglers
might keep one of each

125 will see some crowd thinning as well in coming months.

Parrot tanks Tango and Kong status quo

225: Hulk, Tank and Bruce will be moved. Might move syno Spot to the breeder with the female hrps.
Another Oscar will be on tap.
Looking at a pulcher, wild type.
Looking at possibly another chocolate.

Bp Boss, Hrp Pip and her daughter Bella and son Buddy will remain. As will red rainbow Salt.

So today I moved Hulk to the 125. He seemed bigger than ever so I measured him again.

This is a honduran redpoint? Looks more like a Black Bass or Chanco!!!

HULK 7.jpg
I'm gradually starting to transition some fish and tanks. Plan moving forward:

Unload Mica's babies in tub.
Unload Blackbeard and Brutus' babies in the growout along with some stragglers
might keep one of each

125 will see some crowd thinning as well in coming months.

Parrot tanks Tango and Kong status quo

225: Hulk, Tank and Bruce will be moved. Might move syno Spot to the breeder with the female hrps.
Another Oscar will be on tap.
Looking at a pulcher, wild type.
Looking at possibly another chocolate.

Bp Boss, Hrp Pip and her daughter Bella and son Buddy will remain. As will red rainbow Salt.

So today I moved Hulk to the 125. He seemed bigger than ever so I measured him again.

This is a honduran redpoint? Looks more like a Black Bass or Chanco!!!

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Bros chonky lol