More tank pics, updated


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
He does look rough, but I’m glad to hear it’s clearing up. I’d just keep the current course and hope for the best.

Impressive to hear about pip. That’s about where my female convict is sitting (maybe a bit larger). I was always under the impression that hrp were smaller than cons, but your group is a bunch of beasts.
I really hope Buddy makes it. He's one of my favorites and has always been resilient. Two days ago he looked like a fungus fish...although he's patchy it does break off in pieces. My main concern is him being on the meds too long because I hear some are hard on the liver. The bad fin tissue came off first.

My largest female hrps currently are Pip, (Bella, Flash (her daughters,) and Tigger (her granddaughter). My smallest is Nix, Pip's great-great grandaughter at barely 2 inches.
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
News and updates...

Hrp Buddy is still here! He's also still patchy so I have no idea if he's better the same or what. He's not acting like a sick fish. He'll spend the day relaxing under his plant. The water is now kind of cloudy with each change.

In other news. Once again ONE fry escaped a purge. I don't care what you do I swear one always gets loose. I saw a tiny pink dart escape one of the big males in the 125. I've dubbed this fry Outlaw Baby (in honor of Renegade Baby who resides in Lazarus tank).

Bella is now "Bad News Bella." I've never had a fish do such a complete flip in personality. She went from being the isolated outcast that could barely shoal with her kin, to an attacking hyper aggressive nut. Hassling every tank mate. Running/fighting with Pip. Going after red rainbow Salt. It took me 5 attempts to catch her...once she knew I had a net she would bolt and hide.

After doing a deep clean of the 225 I caught her. Whatever hormone was in her blood during a recent growth spurt has addled her brain. It's crazy. She's in the tub with younger cousins and siblings for donation.

Bella is a 1st gen out of Pip/Mongo. She's a big one at 5 inches...

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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Her cousin Tigger is also a big female. Tigger is a daughter of Brutus and Xena. She's definitely got that size from Brutus, and Xena is good sized as well. Here she is with Blackbeard and their small clump of fry. I do believe Blackbeard will gain full size in the 125 much like Squiggy and Brutus did. Blackbeard is out of Slade/Speck.

If it's workable I'd like to put Ace and Neet (siblings) in there as well. Pics coming of the 'new' 125.

tigger and blackbeard.jpg
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
I will be posting updated pictures of Buddy later. He looks like a burn victim. Ovenight ALL of the white patchy stuff dissolved/disappeared. In its place are raw areas but you see scale shape underneath. One area I'm concerned about is a red raw spot under his nuchal hump. That I might put a swab on. Because of all the exposed areas on his body I've upped the w/c to twice a day with meds. The plan is to minimize bacteria load as much as possible. As bad as he looks Buddy managed to take a dive out of the bucket this morning. Luckily he landed in the sink. Whether he lives or not I don't know but this fish is tough as nails.

Not sure if the open areas are part of the healing process. Reminds me of when you pull off a scab.

Meanwhile hrp Harlequin rules the all female breeder. Why am I not surprised? They're a wild bunch but she's the boss firecracker.
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POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Sounds like the infection is dying, but now you are left with the areas eaten away. Keeping the water clean and minimizing stress is the best you can do for now.
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Just a couple of pics. Boss and Salt cruise in the early afternoon. Boss has become pretty playful, even swimming to the surface now. He's in heaven with his pick of caves to relax in. These two have been buds for some time.

salt n boss.jpg


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
I had a random piece of duckweed from another plant in Lazarus tank, maybe 2 months ago? Wasn't paying attention but look at it now! When it covers the surface I might drop some in the other tanks.

floaters plants.jpg


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 28, 2018
Stanford Kentucky
I had a random piece of duckweed from another plant in Lazarus tank, maybe 2 months ago? Wasn't paying attention but look at it now! When it covers the surface I might drop some in the other tanks.

View attachment 1545388
Don't do it! Duckweed is the herpes! I'm only halfway joking, it does look good but holy hell it grows fast and will cover a tank easily, I probably throw a couple pounds of it out every week when I do water changes
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