Here we go again...the acara went belly up while I was at work today. Fresh , treated water and his own filter. Was perfectly fine this morning. I check all the fish daily. His color was good. I figured he was past the 'delicate' size but I guess not. This is a real bummer because he was such a friendly fish. Even let me pat his head!
I'll just have to keep trying and see what I can get as a replacement. Bobo the chocolate is doing very well. Eats everything and comes up to greet me. Very relaxed.
The new tank stand arrives tomorrow between 2-6pm. The Batfish Aquatics team will stop by around 7pm. So tank and stand will be up and running next week.
PVC hides are painted and ready to go. I'll soak them a bit first then position them in the tank. Will just need to wipe down the glass inside and clean the glass lids.
Here we go again...the acara went belly up while I was at work today. Fresh , treated water and his own filter. Was perfectly fine this morning. I check all the fish daily. His color was good. I figured he was past the 'delicate' size but I guess not. This is a real bummer because he was such a friendly fish. Even let me pat his head!
I'll just have to keep trying and see what I can get as a replacement. Bobo the chocolate is doing very well. Eats everything and comes up to greet me. Very relaxed.
The new tank stand arrives tomorrow between 2-6pm. The Batfish Aquatics team will stop by around 7pm. So tank and stand will be up and running next week.
PVC hides are painted and ready to go. I'll soak them a bit first then position them in the tank. Will just need to wipe down the glass inside and clean the glass lids.