I like that list RockyMountainCichlids & video you have to support it. Although we know that there is always different circumstances that could change that list, I think in general, you list is valid. I have owned every Cichlid that you have mentioned at some point of my cichlid keeping, in my experience I could change some of the order, but your list is in the ball park...
Grammodes & 5 Spot Jewels are Maniacts, just flat out crazy... Neets are crazy to... In my opinion it is hard to rate Haitiensis or Beani, because the are susceptible to bloat. Butukufri can be crazy to... A mature Umbee can be a killer as well... Of course we all know what a matue Dovii can do.

I feel like I could drop the haitiensis a couple notches down, but man! Female Haitiensis are vicious, if I could give an example of my old female BN. . . think of a overprotective female convict guarding fry on steroids. It was unbelievable, but in general I feel like Motaguense and Red Devils can suppress Haitiensis.