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Most aggressive piranha?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Yea I currently had 10 baby rhoms and now i have one left LOL... anyways i moved the one 3" black into about a 25 ggallon tank and my 55 gallon has nothing in it. I am thinking of getting a super agressive piranha and i was just wondering what you all would consider to be the most aggressive piranha you can put in an aquarium?

I am current debating between either a Brandti or a Elongatus....
Bud you need to do some research before you buy. Everyone here coulda told you that ten blacks would be just one in no time! As far most aggressive, here again, do a little research. This question is asked at least once a week.

*sorry I just started working at petsmart and I am sick of dealing with people asking dumb questions all day so dont take any offense*

But as far as most aggressive goes there is no one fish species that tends to be more aggressive then the others. You could end up with a bad ass axe murderer elong or one big pussy. Its up to the individual fish. However, I must say that my Mac is absolutly phsyco and alot of other Mac owners report the same thing. It is important to remember that it may take weeks or even months ( mine took about 3 months!!) for them to get comfortable and come out of their shell so to speak. So if you do end up with a pussy fish give it a while and see what happens, but even there are no garuntees with Ps.
when you vacum the tank do they attack your hand?
when you came here last time and said you had 10 rhoms in 1 tank, everyone told you there would be 1 left. Why didn;t you divide them or sell them?
Go with a Brandti,a 55 gal tank is not big enough for an elong.It is terrible what happened to all those Rhoms. :WHOA:
Yea I was dumb not researching it, but I bought them online through aquascapeonline.com and at the time theyer running a special for 10 2" baby rhoms. They never told me I could not put them in the same tank and I saw pictures on their website of multuiple blacks in the same tank. I mean who would have a special for when you buy 10 of these things most people do not have 10 tanks, they should have posted something about it on their website. I've learned from my mistake and I'm hoping to grow my one rhom up to a good size so i can possibly get my money back one day for the 9 that i lost.... In the mean time I am looking for a super aggressive piranha to put in my 55gallon...