I thought I already answered this one, but I guess it's a new one so I'll say it again
My gold amazonarum have so far been the smartest fish I've ever had.
I got them a little before I moved to my current house, so I had to net them out to move their tank. I noticed they'd eat floating food at the surface, so I used floating food to bait them to the top before netting them out. From then on they'd take floating food to the bottom before eating it.
When they had fry, they'd dig a pit for the fry, and in an attempt to raise the fry, I'd pull them as wrigglers. The pair caught on that I would pull the wrigglers from the pit, so on one of the spawns they dug multiple pits, distributed the fry randomly throughout a few of them, leaving some empty, so I wouldn't know where all of the fry were, or at least if I knew where some were, I wouldn't be able to get all of them.
Before spawning, I'd condition them with frozen food, and a few days before laying eggs they'd spit some of the food out onto a rock. This, over the next few days, would grow some sort of weird algae, which they'd herd the fry to to graze on once they became free swimming.
My male died years ago, but my female still shows some feats of intelligence. Her tank is kind of a thunderdome, so a lot of random fish come and go in and out. She's learned that when the lid comes off the tank, the net is coming in, but she also seems to realize that the net never comes for her, so she just sits under her log and waits for me to do my thing.