I would gladly pay shipping for some of your samolus overgrowth, assuming some babes get uprooted rather than just trimmed.
They are said to grow submerged and, though they are apparently ubiquitous throughout the gulf south, i havn't found any. I'd love some for the foreground of my planted BW tank.
A lot of entire plants, roots included, got harvested. About three pounds of
I started working with it submerged, but it just perished. The single remaining almost dead rootclump of a motherplant has produced all the growth since. A lot of it. And yet, there hasn't been a single
Samolus growing submerged in this tank.
I know, they say it grows submerged and sell it regularly to freshwater aquariums. But I must say I disagree. My experience and the fact that I haven't seen any pics of lush underwater growth of the plant.
I might be wrong.
Sure, if you want, I'll send you some. Or better yet, I'll harvest some seeds. They germinate like clockwork, in ten days on a moist bead.
This truly is awesome and has some elements I would like to create in my tank cheers for the inspiration if my tank turns out half as good it's going to be a success well done mate
Thanks, matey.
I'm happy to hear you are inspired! Be sure to show us your work when you get around to it.
i love this tank! do some more!!
Great, I feel your love.
I have, and am, doing more.
Some of my projects are presented in my blog (sig).