Multitude of Guianacara


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2013
Mid-Atlantic, US
Don't call me an expert on them, but I have kept them and at one point I did some research. For fish I haven't or have only rarely seen in person I trust video more than photos, photos are very simple to turn up the color if someone wants to make fish look better than reality. Even in video lighting makes a difference, but the same is true in person (and I'm good at spotting blue enhancing lighting).

From what I can tell it really does depend on collection location. I've seen mostly unremarkable geayi, but some really nice ones from Rio Oyapock. The nicest owroewefi I've seen are from Gran Laussat and Petit Laussat. The dacrya I've seen are less colorful. Again, this is mostly video. I do know each of these have a range of collection points, you can find maps of that.

I enjoyed mine (spenozona), interesting fish, but they were far from the more colorful types I've seen. Personally If I did them again it would be a question of which of the nicer collection points I could find or that's what I'd hold out for.