My “Escondido” Texas Cichlid


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2008
anaheim/orange CA
Very beautiful. I think this would be considered a Carpintis?
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MFK Member
Sep 28, 2020
Alberta Canada
Dude, that's a beautiful fish. These Texas cichlids always impress me. How aggressive are they?
For the most part I’d say they are definitely on the more aggressive side but just like most fish it will boil down to the personality of each individual fish, I’ve only ever had 2 I guess technically 3. My first one was an absolute menace and killed almost everyone in his tank (mostly other large cichlids) so I ended up rehoming him, now 5 years later I decided to try them out again and got 2 they lasted about 2 months they had their little disputes here and there (nothing serious) until came home one day to the other dead and the one in the photos looking very proud of itself. He currently shares his tank with a couple bichirs, a tire track eel, 2 leopard ctenopomas, and a panda garra that has somehow survived all odds and no one messes with. The Tex will chase and nip at the ctenopomas fairly often so they're going to be moved to a different tank he never messes with the tire track eel, and only really nips at the bichirs during feeding time when they get in his face.


MFK Member
Nov 14, 2023
For the most part I’d say they are definitely on the more aggressive side but just like most fish it will boil down to the personality of each individual fish, I’ve only ever had 2 I guess technically 3. My first one was an absolute menace and killed almost everyone in his tank (mostly other large cichlids) so I ended up rehoming him, now 5 years later I decided to try them out again and got 2 they lasted about 2 months they had their little disputes here and there (nothing serious) until came home one day to the other dead and the one in the photos looking very proud of itself. He currently shares his tank with a couple bichirs, a tire track eel, 2 leopard ctenopomas, and a panda garra that has somehow survived all odds and no one messes with. The Tex will chase and nip at the ctenopomas fairly often so they're going to be moved to a different tank he never messes with the tire track eel, and only really nips at the bichirs during feeding time when they get in his face.

Ah okay, yea. I knew they were probably tempermental but didn't know the details. I see that's fairly common with SA cichlids, case by case.

I had a pretty big fish die off event happen a week ago and I'm kinda thinking about starting over with another species since the ones.

You think a Texas Cichlid and a Bichir would fit with two EBAs, a red spotted severum, two Burmese Upside Down Catfish and two SAEs? 150 gallon tank btw. 48x24x31, roughly.

Not too worried about the catfish since they love to hide 90% of the time.


MFK Member
Dec 28, 2022
Don't think the EBA or severum would make it long term. Everyone else is a guess, but probably not. My texas cichlids have been very territorial.