Cool. Just found a source for some splash tetras. Small gouramies would fit the bill for sure.I think some Sparkeling Gouramis would like that tanks a lot.
Thanks, jeaninel!Very cool tank! The rockwork/rootwork is an inspiration to me. I'd like to do something similar for my archerfish tank.
I have 1 microlepis. The other 2 I'm not sure. Maybe you could help ID? My husband brought them home thinking they were Blythi but I have my doubts about that. The first two pics are the microlepis. The other pic are the others.Thanks, jeaninel!
Which archers are you keeping? I used to have some T chatareus in my 250 gallon brackish tank. Here's some ambiance from that, before the archers...
Cool. Good to know. Yes, they are in freshwater. Thanks for the confirmation.I agree with your husband there. The two are blythiis to my eye.
Nice fish you've got there. All fresh water? Should be fine.