My 180 Gal Brackish Tank

young tank

Feeder Fish
Jun 17, 2015
Hey bro im new to MFK i need info on brackish sanlinitywater level i have GSP can you help me plz

The whole tank

Click here to watch Brackishdudes-tank---180-Gal-

My moray eating food sticks!

Click here to watch eel-stix[/QUOTE]
Havn't checked in in awhile. I added a few things, lost a few, mainly a docile tank now

Current Stock:

18 mollies (3m,15f) breeding wildly 2 female mollies
4 australian rainbows (till I can catch'em. A fifth is already in the refugium awaiting eviction) GONE
2 Neovespicula depressifrons FWwaspfish
3 2 each of two different kinds of blennies, see posts above
6 1 bb gobies
4 0 orange chromide (red morphology)
4 3 orange chromide (wild morphology)
3 spotted ctenopoma
Various grass shrimp, mosquito fish, least killi, scuds, others as found routinely in my local collecting spots.

<10 olive nerites
1 striped nerite
1 spotted nerite
1,000,000,000 MTS
<10 Spiny Tricolor Cleaner Nerite Snail-

Plants (arrived early 11/11)

Water Sprite (Ceratopterus thalictroides) 2" Pots 3 {waxes and wanes. Huge now)
Moneywort (Bacopa Monnieri) 1 (slow but steady grower)
Cryptocoryne Cilata - 5 (Very happy)
Newish: Samolus from seed given by fellow MFKer
Potted Micro Sword-Pot-Giant Micro Sword - Lilaeopsis carolinensis 1
Potted Micro Sword-Pot-Common Micro Sword = Lilaeopsis brasiliensis 1
Potted Micro Sword-Pot-Narrow-Leaf Micro Sword = Lilaeopsis mauritiana 1 All are DEAD
Moss Java - Aquarium Plant-Moss, All dead
Java Fern - Aquarium Plant-Misc - Java Fern Few remaining scraglers, stunted


1 Leapard moray eel
2 eel tail banjos Platystacus cotylephorus

a few pics

one of the two "new" ctenopoma taken april 2013, they're both as big as the big one now about 6"

Hey bro im new to MFK i need info on brack