My 315G Plywood Tank Build


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 28, 2009
David K. Bradley;4164141; said:
Sorry to hear that your initial sump got a leak in it Ross, but I am glad to see you got it up and running again.

Now let me get this straight. You have your filter media in the left side and your pumps, heater & etc. in the right side, correct? Just really not clear on that step.
You see the red/pink container in the picture, thats where the filter media sits. There are 2 sheets of Poret foam, a standard blue/white filter pad, and w sheets of 50 and 100 micron filter pads in each container. Once the water falls through all of that it ends up in the big blue cotainers that hold the pump and heaters.

Did you have to put a wood gasket on each side the tub wall for the bulkheads to bite into something or was it just on the outside of each tub?
Outside only, it was not needed on the inside and it would have rotted pretty quick.

How did the sheet rock hold up to the water spillage? Will you have to replace it where the water made contact?

So far so good! it's green board which is a little better as far as that goes but my goal is to keep the water on the inside.
And yes, I must agree with john 73738. A few full tank shots would be nice to view.
Once I get the molding/trim work completed and get the tank painted, I will get a picture.
There ya go!

David K. Bradley

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 27, 2010
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
BadOleRoss;4168051; said:
Tank is pretty much finished. I am going to add a small viewing window on the side of the tank stand that will let me see the water level in the sump without having to remove a shelf insert....but thats about it.

WOW! Now this is truly impressive. Your tank really looks splendid. Truly a beautiful job. :thumbsup:

You ever thought of doing this for a living? :j/k:

Your tank decor really is beautiful the way it's set up. I really like it.

Are you glad now that it appears to be finished?
Are you just going to coast a while or do you have another DIY project planned?

One question about your sump viewing window.
Will you be putting any type of light in the sump area so you can see down there through your viewing window or just use a flashlight of sorts?
Just an afterthought.
