My Catfish Collection :)


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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
They look indistinguishable from my 20"-er also from Suriname (thanks, Wes!).

How do they compete for food? Mine takes food with dignity so as not to appear desperate. It's been alone and I wonder how it'd compete in a community of aggressive feeders.

What's their activity - how much do they swim and do they employ the whole tank?

How are they together and with other Brachies?


I'm guessing only the wolf could bite VATF tail, no?

Who is bothering the giant Siamese carp?
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Oct 22, 2013
New York Mets
They look indistinguishable from my 20"-er also from Suriname (thanks, Wes!).

How do they compete for food? Mine takes food with dignity so as not to appear desperate. It's been alone and I wonder how it'd compete in a community of aggressive feeders.

What's their activity - how much do they swim and do they employ the whole tank?

How are they together and with other Brachies?


I'm guessing only the wolf could bite VATF tail, no?

Who is bothering the giant Siamese carp?
I recently moved them into this tank but I have noticed that they are using the whole tank. When the tank gets fed... pounds of food are dropped at the same time, that way it gives everyone a chance at getting to the food. I noticed the piraiba are eating much more now compared to when they were in the smaller tank. No signs of aggression toward any fish yet.
The Lince cat is the culprit who is responsible for the damages on the VATF. And as for the Siamese carp.. all torn fins etc are most likely from the time it was housed with the platinum gars. The gars seem to taste test everything. :)


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Mar 2, 2008
The deep south