My Festae growouts

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Nice Jason, hope You end up with some pairs!
ha ha lol... thank you Bobby:) After watching these guys grow out, i cant wait to see what umbeekings fry look like if ya know what i mean:naughty:
NWatson;4879531; said:
Coming along nice. the big boy in front is starting to color up nice.

Thank you:) yeah he is starting to show alot of potential. i think i might run into a problem of having to choose what male/female combo i want to keep from the two bloodlines lol, im noticing a couple really nice specimans from both groups. I could prolly pull off two pairs while there small for a lil while, but untill i get a couple more tanks im not sure with all the other stock i have growing out. i try to give them all a chance to do their thing.
Here is another lil vid i just took, this one shows them a lil better:)

They are looking great Jason I love to see grow outs with plump bellies, your fish got guts lol. Mine are smaller but show the great patterns and colors.
ira;4881126; said:
They are looking great Jason I love to see grow outs with plump bellies, your fish got guts lol. Mine are smaller but show the great patterns and colors.

Ha Ha Thanks Ira, these guys get fed really well. I am impressed with the colors and markings being displayed at their size. I know they're too small to sex but by just watching them grow, i think I can see a few;) If all goes well it should be pretty even with the sexes. Now in my Ornatum and festae tank i think i might have male heavy group, still not sure yet.