One thing worth mentioning is my attempts to mix Frankies was done with a smaller group then yours, maybe with more of them you'll have better luck then I did. Something that might be worth trying is to have a much larger fish in with them all the time. IF they can't take over the tank so to speak they may be less problomatic then if they run the tank. I'm pulling for you man! But I really think you're going to enjoy the bulletproofness of the Dorado. I always thought of all the combos I've tried over the years that Dorado pacing around wolves hovering over goonch lurking was my trifecta. Starve for a few days and a handful of food has never been more entertaining.Wow. That's quite concerning. Thank you so much for sharing and the warning. I'll aim to watch closely.
Latest update. The ten dorado doubled in size from 1.5-2" to 3"-3.5" in 10 days with us:
I've never seen a Brassie pick on anything. I had issues with Frankies and Hillari picking eachother off. Sometimes it was the alpha, sometimees it was the smallest. I actually gave up on my Hillari once I got down to 4 from like 7. I just tossed them in with the Brassies assuming any result would be better then the one I was getting with just them in a tank. They all paced together and the aggression amonst the Hillari ended immidietly.Even though I didn't witness it, I am pretty sure the dorado killed one of their own. It is of bigger size, looks bigger than average but a little smaller than the biggest in the group; the smaller and the smallest dorado look ok. First loss. Down to 9 from 10. No warning sign did I see, this was sudden - most of the tail was torn off and the anal fin was badly damaged and the body area around the anal fish was damaged; one pectoral fin was tattered. I thought the injured dorado could have survived but the next morning it was dead floating around on the surface upside down. In retrospect, maybe, if I separated it, it'd live, IDK.
The rest of the 9 look good, only one has a small portion of tail fish nipped off.
This raises species ID questions. As you know the vendor - Rod of Predatory Fins says brasiliensis. MFKers say unlikely, franciscanus is more likely, more common. Does this violence support the tentative frankie ID hypothesis? DB junkie kendragon