My first spawn of African pike characin (Hepsetus odoe)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
As far as I know this fish was only bred twice before. I just asked the guy who probably bred them first. He never encountered such behaviour but he also never tried anything like this.
Cool experiment.
You spoke with Bernd?
No, with Sascha. Now is the question who did it first.
Good question. I wasn’t aware of Sascha.
Bernd reported it December 2009. And even though his original post is no longer available, I did summarize it here at the time:

It would be really cool to hear Sascha‘s experiences, if you could share them.
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Ok, Bernd did it first. I even read the original article but I couldn't place it in time in my memory.
I don't know when exactly Sasha bred them but he had an article in Amazonas Magazine in 2016 or so.

It's a shame that is not available anymore. So much knowledge lost
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It’s fascinating that a Characin can breed like labyrinth fish and provide bi parrental care of youngs. There are many convergent evolution of body shape across fish species, but convergent reproductive behavior of bubble nesting is rare, specially in Characin which typically scatter eggs, abandon and eat youngs. The babies are quite large, comparable to mouth brooding cichlid than labrinth bubble nesters. How large are the parents? Pike characin can reach 28 inch and your tank, 48x24x20 inch, hardly enough room for adult fish if they reach max size.
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