My laid-back African lungfish 2.5'

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Consistent with the death of the larger 39" lungfish, we lost our last lungfish that inhabited the same water system (shared through common sump). Must be the same bacterial infection, I presume.

The marbled aethiopicus lung was purchased from Wes a year or so ago at 8" and reached 14" to date:

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I have not been hurt by the bite of a large African....Not to say it didnt hurt like hell. Just didnt cause any permanent damage LOL. They are super fast when they strike, and the bite is a crushing pain. They will typically get ahold of your whole finger and they let go when they want to. I just got some small SAL's for my daughter, we will see if they are any less agressive.

Your fish is nice looking. I like when they have all of their "arms" intact. Mine had lost 2 in a fight with another
OMG I just read through the whole post. I am so sorry. It is so hard to lose big fish. My original african died after about 2 decades...IDK why, his name was Butchie, hence my screen name. If it is any consolation I never considered that about lids, and I will keep my current lungies lid less. They are dumb as rocks. I would have never predicted this could have killed them
I just stumbled on this thread after a long time.

Sorry for the losses.
This is sad for me to see. I used to work at Gerber’s and loved this fish. He was there forever. I left before you got him but he was my favorite lungfish. I bought a juvenile just because of him.
Appreciate your sharing. It kicked me where it hurts too.
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