I was there most were not worth it, couldn't tell if they had scratches because of the plastic wrapping I liked the 168ish tank that was in the corner. It sold for $275, I really wanted the t5 light out of it but decided against getting it. It would of been a nice project but I was not in the tank moving mood. I was going to bid against ya on that all glass aquarium sign, it was pretty neat but I didn't really need it. lol I think I got the only sign I think you didn't get,the aqueon one, $38 figured it was worth that. I just wanted one for the basement. I did like the 250 tall aqueon tank but it looked EXTREMELY heavy,needed resealed and had now where to put it. lol Funny think was the junky tanks were selling for 3-4 hundred it seems and the nice canopy thanks were both under 3? Did not understand that. Left after the 168 sold around number 200 grabbed the sign and checked out.