My little terds

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Naming fish is for girls huh? Let your wife read that... I bet she'll look at it and be like "here, hold my purse while I smack the sh** outta you". Lol

For real tho they are looking good. In those first pics I was thinking damn. That lfs got them babies looking weedy as hell. But you've really turned them around. I can't wait to see how they further develop
Naming fish is for girls huh? Let your wife read that... I bet she'll look at it and be like "here, hold my purse while I smack the sh** outta you". Lol

For real tho they are looking good. In those first pics I was thinking damn. That lfs got them babies looking weedy as hell. But you've really turned them around. I can't wait to see how they further develop
Haha. I had a feeling you would threaten me with bodily harm. I think you and my wife would get along just great.

Thank you. I would have to give credit to being connected to great people here teaching the ways of many, many wc’s.
I re homed the Oscar last night, he has a bunch of new friends including a frontasa close to his size. He won’t be nearly as bored as before. And no more bass for treats.

Now I am not looking forward to pulling apart this tank tonight, just to catch 2 little terds. It will be worth it to get them away from the ravenous parrots though. When I picked them up the lady says “don’t put them in with your predators they are slow to eating and may not get any food.” So I’m like don’t worry they will eat. Now they outcompete the bass for the carnivore pellets. Even the clown loaches are coming to the top and smash those pellets. Never in a million years would I expect clown loaches to steal a pellet from a chichla mouth:jaw-dropp

It was a success now all the little terds are in the 180. They are separated from the big terds for now. I was thinking a few days and another water change before letting them swim together.


I had to take it down to bare bones before I even tried any funny business didn’t want anyone getting smashed up on the drift wood.

The alpha ocel was showing some intense colours since the others were introduced that I have not seen before tonight. I’m a little nervous about it being almost double the size of the smaller ones. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

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This is the smaller ocel with the typical colours after the others were introduced.
Grabbed some shots of the kels before the move tonight. They seem to have a nice blue green pearlescent to them that is hard for me to capture. Also hard to catch them sitting still.

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Parrot checking out the nice “bass”

Sweet updates Matteus Matteus keep them coming had some good laughs reading through the posts.
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Ok so I woke up this morning and one of the freshly moved kels is M.I.A. It was either the achara cat or the ornate bichir. I have already been looking for I bigger home for the cat as it’s just about too big for the tank so that wouldn’t be too big of a deal, im prepared for that. But unfortunately I have a feeling it is most likely the ornate, which I did not want to get rid of (ever) unless I had to.

This is a somber day for me. My wife and I just had a conversation about tanks, and it seems as if she is hoping for me to get rid of a tank or two, where as I was hoping to add. I have to make some decisions here On how to make this work.

Grrr. I feel like I should have known, I’m so grumpy about this. I have a feeling when the lights go out the other one will go missing