My move to the Philippines

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
So I won't be staying the full year in this apartment that don't allow any pets at all. Cristine wants to get us into a much cheaper house for half the rent. So looks like I will be able to set up a tank much sooner.
Thinking heavily planted with some kind of Amatitlania, dithers. Obvious won't need a heater here. But was wondering if they would tolerate 80 degree waters pretty much year round? Or should I go with something like a snakehead, and what's the smallest?

Cheaper rent than what you already have? Thats amazing how much lower cost of living is elsewhere! Good to hear things are going well for you.

I‘m surprised you‘re sticking with amatitlania which you could get in the States. Would've figured you'd want to keep a species you didn't have access to before now that your options have opened up.
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Cheaper rent than what you already have? Thats amazing how much lower cost of living is elsewhere! Good to hear things are going well for you.

I‘m surprised you‘re sticking with amatitlania which you could get in the States. Would've figured you'd want to keep a species you didn't have access to before now that your options have opened up.
As I mentioned, in post above, if a keep anything local Cristine will wan to eat it. I was showing her possible candidates and each and every one she was saying "yummy". Then showed her picture of some cichlids for that side of the globe and she didn't find them "yummy" looking.
So it be be really the size of tank that will dictate what I get. If I can get a 6x2x2 or 8x2x2 cheap then it will be a Festae. If 4 ft or less Amatitlania
  • Haha
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Cheaper rent than what you already have? Thats amazing how much lower cost of living is elsewhere! Good to hear things are going well for you.

I‘m surprised you‘re sticking with amatitlania which you could get in the States. Would've figured you'd want to keep a species you didn't have access to before now that your options have opened up.
She has found many houses for rent for just 7000 peso a month or $121 USD. The thing is though, houses don't come with appliances here, so we need to get all basic stuff a house needs before we can move. Refrigerator, counter top gas burner, bed etc.
Dug a little deeper on safe fish and fish she would want to eat. Oscar's, Pink tailed Chalceus, Green Terror, Amphilophus, safe for keeping. Texas cichlid, Jack Dempsey, catfish belong in the frying pan, she says...
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if a keep anything local Cristine will wan to eat it.

You need to lay down some very firm ground rules here Jex. Tell her, my fish, no eat, ever!

And then cushion the blow by producing the cutest little puppy for her to love and dote on.

But then again, I see a potential problem with my solution.....don't they eat dogs over there!!!! Yikes, maybe not a good idea after all.

Although, if she eats the dog, at least she's not snaffling your fish! Lol.
I dunno...if I exit a room leaving a sandwich or burger on a plate, on a table top that is well within reach of Duke (my dog)...I can point to it and give him a firm "no" and when I return, he will not have moved and the food will be untouched. In fact, the "no" isn't even strictly necessary; he's well-trained and waits for approval before diving into his own dinner. If a stranger offers him a treat, he looks to me for an okay before even considering taking it; drives the vet crazy.

Doesn't seem like too much of a stretch to think that your lady would have at least as much self-control as my dog. How about giving her some credit? She's an intelligent civilized human being, not a ravenous zombie from The Walking Dead. :)
Doesn't seem like too much of a stretch to think that your lady would have at least as much self-control as my dog. How about giving her some credit? She's an intelligent civilized human being, not a ravenous zombie from The Walking Dead. :)

I know, and I hear what you are saying. My fear is a now thing mostly. And I am just projecting the fear into the future.
Since she has been with me she has only been eating American type food. And for some reason, I don't know why, I can't see having a fish she normally buys from the market here for dinner in a big glass box and it living thru a time I make her mad about something. Being highly unrational I know...
I will look more closely at native fish and if there is one I like as much as Festae then I'll do it instead. But I think atm I have my heart set on a big single male Festae or maybe a harem if I can get a big enough tank. They are my favorite fresh water fish and I never really gave them a proper go at keeping them. I did have two fry I raised for a bit, and that decent sized male I found at The Wet Spot. But none lasted more than a few months and I really want to give it a proper attempt at keeping.
Jexnell Jexnell found this on youtube, Cartimar Pet Center in Metro Manila. It's an old video but it's supposedly still there. Your nobya might think twice if she sees the price of those fish and it'd make for a nice day out for you both. Hitting Metro for some fish spying and lunch.
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