T treasureandbooty Jack Dempsey MFK Member Dec 21, 2011 119 0 31 Texas Jul 11, 2014 #31 Fantastic looking little aro there. I'll be looking forward to seeing him in his full glory
T1KARMANN Giant Snakehead MFK Member Sep 19, 2005 10,105 128 147 57 London UK Jul 12, 2014 #32 It seams just a few years ago Albino / plat South American aro where selling for $65,000 How come in such a small amount of time they are showing up all over the place Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
It seams just a few years ago Albino / plat South American aro where selling for $65,000 How come in such a small amount of time they are showing up all over the place Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
Siddons11 Piranha MFK Member Sep 19, 2012 1,176 239 81 USA Jul 12, 2014 #33 Yeah I've seen them go from $2000 to $650 over the last year or two. Hopefully they drop another couple hundred in another year. Sent from my SCH-I605 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Yeah I've seen them go from $2000 to $650 over the last year or two. Hopefully they drop another couple hundred in another year. Sent from my SCH-I605 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App