• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

my new indoor pond

wow this is amazing. think you could post pics or more details on your filter? looks really effective yet rather simple
35 gallon rubbermaid. 2 shower floor drains in one end connected to 2" pvc with elbows that extend down into the pond 2' so the water falls down the tubes it brings air with it, it looks like i have an aerator inside the pvc. the water comes in through the lid and i have a figure 8 of 1" pvc with holes drilled all over in it as a spray bar, bio media is 5 bags of poly fill and 4 boxes of bio balls underneath a cut to fit industrial dishwasher rack that holds a layer of filter mat for fine mechanical filtration. initial mechanical filtration is done in the lower section of the pond pre filter. 2 dishwasher racks sandwich a wad of outdoor pond netting that i can remove and rinse. the 40 gallon breeder that is drilled has a bare bottom sits above the lower section of the pond with a pump that draws from right where the water falls from the upper section, it does a great job of settling out detritus that is stirred up in the waterfall. i siphon it out daily or every other day depending on build up.
wow...preciate all of the detail. i am going to build the filter for my pond this weekend and this is sure too help
i have a fire eel, but it cant go in the pond, first of all it would jump but only if one of my cats didnt catch it on the way out. the problem with keeping big cats is they like to eat things, and a full grown fire eel would be a light snack.
i have a better set up for outdoor, will post pics if it is nice tomorrow, otherwise i will post some of the filtration on the indoor pond. i will do a diy thread in the setup and filtration forum and drop a link in my signature.