M mrmann Feeder Fish MFK Member Sep 10, 2012 #11 I have 3 that i'm growing out as well. Love the spectabilis, good luck with them and keep us posted. Yours look very nice
I have 3 that i'm growing out as well. Love the spectabilis, good luck with them and keep us posted. Yours look very nice
B BastardFish Polypterus MFK Member Sep 10, 2012 #12 Nice well when you guiys get tired of them hit the Bastard up!
D Decker504 Fire Eel MFK Member Sep 13, 2012 #13 Bro, I literally searched high and low for years. The goal is to get a spawn. I will keep you posted... Sent from my DROID4 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Bro, I literally searched high and low for years. The goal is to get a spawn. I will keep you posted... Sent from my DROID4 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
B BastardFish Polypterus MFK Member Sep 13, 2012 #17 I have also been looking that long hope it works out and you get fry