Can i ask what corals u have, i see a hammer and candy cane? Zoa? What beginner corals would u recommend? Thanks
I've got hammers, zoanthids, montiporas, a Hollywood stunner chalice, a bunch of acans, candy canes, ricordeas (florida and Yuma), and xenia, think that's it.
Soft corals are mostly super easy, you just need enough light, and the salt mix will provide what the corals need. "Hard" stony corals are a bit more difficult because they use up the calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium in the water (as well as other various trace elements for some) and you need to replenish these. How much you need to dose depends on how much the tank consumes (you test it to measure), if you have lots of SPS and LPS you might need to dose daily, or if you only have a few, you might be able to get by on just water changes (salt will replenish).
Also, some people seem to have better luck with some soft corals than others, just the nature of the hobby, so I would recommend just get a decent setup, and try a bunch of different soft corals like mushrooms, leathers, xenia, zoas, etc. and see what does well for you.