Neetroplus Nematopus


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 9, 2014
Really liking your tank. In both our cases it will be play it by ear and adjust as necessary, it will be interesting to see how our tanks mature.
After looking at yours think I am going to swap back to sand.
I previously had gravel around a year ago when I had my Festae pair in this tank. I am loving the sand though! It is comical to watch the neets use their pectoral and tail fins to dig in it. The only down side is with the previous aquascape my larger Labiatus decided to make big mounds of it at the front of the tank which drove me mad, since the aquascape change so far he is mostly moving it around at the back of the tank which I don’t mind as it’s hidden by the rocks. But at the end of the day cichlids dig and will have it how they want.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 9, 2014
I've got two males and a female in a 400 gallon with a group of dovii and they are fun little fish. Hoping I can get a pair to spawn. The males are nippy amongst themselves and always have some shredded fins.

He is looking beautiful! How are you finding mixing them with the dovii given they are the major predator of Neets in the wild? 400 gallons is a fair decent size however


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 9, 2014
Excuse the absolutely horrible quality of these two videos I took them around 30 minutes after doing a water change when the tank lights were off so all that I had was the lights in the room on so please excuse the horrible glare.
It appears what I am assuming is a female has begun to change to her spawning dress and has caught the attention of the largest N. Nematopus in the tank. The two swim around together and are doing their little dance as can be seen at the end of the second video, they also are spending a fair bit of time behind that large rock in the Center of the tank. She seems to have caught the attention of more than one male though

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MFK Member
Jul 5, 2006
He is looking beautiful! How are you finding mixing them with the dovii given they are the major predator of Neets in the wild? 400 gallons is a fair decent size however
The largest dovii is under 7" right now so it's not been an issue. Who knows down the road.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 9, 2014
The largest dovii is under 7" right now so it's not been an issue. Who knows down the road.
I’d be interested to hear how it ends up turning out. Out of my group I have a pair that seems they are about to spawn very soon and have decided they want to do it in the middle of the tank so at the moment they are causing some havoc