When I started in this hobby in 1974 the tinfoil barbs were small plain silver fish sold in every shop and we knew not to buy them for our 3ft tanks as they were said to get big and eat your neon tetras!
This thread puts them into a whole new light. They are very beautiful and (I believe) graceful. Its always good to see fish reach their potential beauty and size. Congratulations to you. You've done well.
Thank you. I remember those days lol even in the 80s when I started people kept Oscars and tinfoil barbs in their 3 foot 35 g tanks because thats all we had lol Nowadays everyone and their uncle has a 75g combo from Petsmart/Petco lol
Ive been in the hobby since the 80s and always have had tinfoil barbs, raised many sets up over the years, some even a little bigger than these guys. But this is the first time I've ever raised the black barred variety up. These are more colorful than any tinfoils I've ever had before because of the black bars on the tail and the black and white and red on the dorsal fins. they are striking.
When they spar with each other the red just glows.
thanks !