another loss...
my roomate added an oscar who contaminated the tank with the ick. Again. I raised the temp, salt, cure ick, water change, and filter/gravel cleaning. two days later little oscar seems to be recovering. all other fish are fine. then i notice my silver perch looks to have missing scale and fungis or something growing on his raw skin!
2 more days, and the other fish have no signs and seem fully recovered. but the sp looks worse, i added antibacterial stuff which i think killed my snails (i didnt even know they were alive, lazy creatures) the sp seemed ok (he was behaving normal and took feeders) just got home and he was belly up.
now the water is cloudy so i added some stuff for that.
and i have a 700gph subpump on order. i have about 5-6x turn over right now, but more cant hurt.
but anyway, happy Thanksgiving.