New Amphilophus Labiatus 'Zapatera'

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
It will be interesting to see how this plays out as the lab matures.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out as the lab matures.
My thoughts as well. He seems to completely avoid it. He will chase SD's in the tank but gets bored. I am going to keep an eye out though.
I predict bad things will happen as that lab becomes sexually mature. Maybe in a 15 ft tank ....
Hope I'm wrong.
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Sold off the Myleus Schomburgkii, the Lab just seemed continuously unhappy with them and having to blast the tank with the extra food/waste wasn't worth the movement. Now, it is the Lab and the following Plecos: Adult female? L253, a farily small L240, & a much smaller L273. He seems much happier not having to chase around the SD school :) No aggression toward the plecos. He actually was eating frozen bloodworms off of the body of the big L253 earlier without biting her. They hang out now, but I am fairly skeptical how he will be at maturity though...gonna keep a close eye.