new black fin shark

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 10, 2013
Seguin, Texas
hey guys i just got a little 2.5-3" Black Fin Shark
i have him in my already cycled 20 gallon alone, what should my water parameters and tempature be for this little guy?
or would he be safe in a 55 with my 4" O and 11" pleco?
the temp in that tankki s a constant 75 to 80(F)
Honestly, I'd be inclined to think the oscar would at least try to eat him.

What kind of black finned shark is it? There's a few different fish that it could be.
i dont have the receipt D:
is it hard to take care of?

Once the fish gets bigger it'll really need brackish water to thrive. Its still worth checking to see if the store will take it back. If you talk to the person you spoke with yesterday you might have good luck, especially if the store is a local job. You might have trouble if it's a big chain store.