new black fin shark

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
okay so say i cant take him back would i be able to keep brackish or is it expenive/hard?
im willing to do the work but money is an issue

It will probably prove to be more difficult and expensive than keeping straight fresh. I don't have any direct experience with keeping brackish so I'm not in too much of a position to give advice on how to do it.
meh okay, well ill try to take him back tomorrow, and it was the manager that made the sale so i should have some luck on return
i also dont have the bag xD what could i use?

Minimum Tank Size:*70 gallons
Care Level:*Easy
Water Conditions:*74-79° F, KH 10-12, pH 7.0-7.5
Max. Size:*10"
Color Form:*White, Yellow
Origin:*Central America, North America, South America

Overview: Also known as the Black Fin Shark, the Columbian Shark is a catfish which will grow quite large in an aquarium. It may also be referred to as Jordan's Catfish or the West American Cat Shark. The Columbian Shark has a high fin and long "whiskers" that gives it a classic catfish appearance.

Setting up a tank to match its natural environment will require plenty of plants and rocks. Since it grows quite large, starting with a minimum tank size of 70 gallons is recommended. As the Columbian Shark grows larger, there is a chance that the shark will eat*smaller tank mates. This species prefers some aquarium salt in the water, and may also be acclimated slowly into a saltwater aquarium, as they live in both freshwater and saltwater during different times of their life.

The female Columbian Shark will lay the eggs and the male will incubate them in his mouth to protect them.

Feed this fish sinking catfish pellets, bloodworms, or a high quality algae food.

Minimum Tank Size:*70 gallons
Care Level:*Easy
Water Conditions:*74-79° F, KH 10-12, pH 7.0-7.5
Max. Size:*10"
Color Form:*White, Yellow
Origin:*Central America, North America, South America

Overview: Also known as the Black Fin Shark, the Columbian Shark is a catfish which will grow quite large in an aquarium. It may also be referred to as Jordan's Catfish or the West American Cat Shark. The Columbian Shark has a high fin and long "whiskers" that gives it a classic catfish appearance.

Setting up a tank to match its natural environment will require plenty of plants and rocks. Since it grows quite large, starting with a minimum tank size of 70 gallons is recommended. As the Columbian Shark grows larger, there is a chance that the shark will eat*smaller tank mates. This species prefers some aquarium salt in the water, and may also be acclimated slowly into a saltwater aquarium, as they live in both freshwater and saltwater during different times of their life.

The female Columbian Shark will lay the eggs and the male will incubate them in his mouth to protect them.

Feed this fish sinking catfish pellets, bloodworms, or a high quality algae food.
i hate not being prepared for a fish, and end up not being able to care for it. i feel... i dont know i feel dumb
Its like a Chanel cat It gets really big and I think it may even be a farm raised food fish. when its in your tank for a while it will adapt to your water condition as long as its not acid more neutral or lower
i hate not being prepared for a fish, and end up not being able to care for it. i feel... i dont know i feel dumb

No need to feel dumb. Its a learning experience. Now you know to look up info on your phone before you buy. I just Google the scientific name if I'm not really familiar with the fish I'm looking at.

Sent from my mind to my fingers to my phone to the MFK servers to you