New Oddball Clown Loaches


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 17, 2009
Houston, TX
All I buy now are oddballs, but I have a few big 3-bars still hanging around from my early days. Large oddballs are worth big bucks, but the small oddballs aren't very easy to separate & they may not stay oddball, so they don't get picked out of the big batches of 1 inch fish that come to America. 4-bars & side dots are the rarest, followed by any pattern with an orange dorsal fin. Saddlebacks & dotbacks are more common, but still extremely rare compared to good old 3-bars. Other genetic deformities are common with oddballs, so they're more likely to be short-bodied or may have a weird shaped tail. I always spend a few minutes looking through shoals at the LFS & buy any oddballs I find. A month of QT, garlic, metro & copper, then into the shoal with all his oddball buddies! Once they get over 5 inches, oddballs can be sold for up to $25/inch if the buyer knows what they're looking at. Below 5 inches, you won't see many high dollar offers for individual fish unless it's a 4-bar, but oddball shoals can be profitable when your main tank gets too crowded & you need to lose 6 or 8 loaches. Don't bother with Angelicus oddballs, they change patterns too much throughout their life & are unreliable.


MFK Member
Mar 1, 2010
Milky Way
Those are a cool set of oddballs you picked up! Oddballs used to be fairly common in my neck of the woods, but now I don't see them as much anymore. Send them my way when you're ready to sell!! :)