New project trying to breed a Jag Texas hybrid

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MFK Member
Jun 25, 2016
Hello, I recently wanted to start a new breeding project something abit different, I always lived jaguars and Texas/ carpentis so I figure why not try and create a hybrid of the two, I know several people on the forum have so I figure maybe I can get some advice, I was thinking of starting with about a few guaranteed male carpentis/texas and adding a few juvenile female jaguars and see if as they grow they pair up? Any thoughts?
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Why would you want to create Hybrids? The gene pool of most of our favorite fish have been bastardized especially now that COTA & TUIC are gone are you going to sell them??? (Big Mistake) are you going to breed them to see if you can? and if they do produce fry what is going to happen to to 200-500 fry?
feed to other fish? You know there are always those 1 or 2 fry that survive then what?
IMHO bad idea
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Why would you want to create Hybrids? The gene pool of most of our favorite fish have been bastardized especially now that COTA & TUIC are gone are you going to sell them??? (Big Mistake) are you going to breed them to see if you can? and if they do produce fry what is going to happen to to 200-500 fry?
feed to other fish? You know there are always those 1 or 2 fry that survive then what?
IMHO bad idea
I understand your opinion but by that logic no one should ever breed a hybrid again? I don’t follow, also to answer your question like all fry from any breeding pair I’ve ever had I usually sell them and the rest feed to my larger predators and then keep a few to grow out
I understand your opinion but by that logic no one should ever breed a hybrid again? I don’t follow, also to answer your question like all fry from any breeding pair I’ve ever had I usually sell them and the rest feed to my larger predators and then keep a few to grow out
"What is there not to follow" i don't care for hybrids that's why i always ordered from COTA or TUIC you don't see hybrids in the wild. Then on top of that you are going to pollute the cichlid population by selling them.
IMO you are a irresponsible fish keeper
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"What is there not to follow" i don't care for hybrids that's why i always ordered from COTA or TUIC you don't see hybrids in the wild. Then on top of that you are going to pollute the cichlid population by selling them.
IMO you are a irresponsible fish keeper
Well since you don’t like hybrids I don’t know why you’re on the hybrid section of the forum? Everyone is entitled to there opinion on what fish they choose to keep or breed just because you don’t like or support it doesn’t mean no one should ever keep a hybrid again lol by your logic there should be no Flowerhorns or blood parrots. I don’t see any reason for all the judgment I think your a very disrespectful fish keeper forcing your opinions on other people
I was just browsing the new threads. You are part of the reason i don't buy fish from my LFS anybody looking to make a buck selling hybrid fish. But more power to you good luck with your frakenfish i will stay with my purism
Hello, I recently wanted to start a new breeding project something abit different, I always lived jaguars and Texas/ carpentis so I figure why not try and create a hybrid of the two, I know several people on the forum have so I figure maybe I can get some advice, I was thinking of starting with about a few guaranteed male carpentis/texas and adding a few juvenile female jaguars and see if as they grow they pair up? Any thoughts?
I'll be following your new project. Are there any pictures of hybrids that result from a similar cross?
Someone is quite upset lol. I have seen carpintis jag hybrids before with body of jaguar and smaller carpintis speckling. Didn’t look the best tbh but I’m sure all that would depend on the parents.
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