I was under the impression that all wild caught specimens have much larger lips in comparison to captive bred lines anyway. Even wild caught Red Devils loose the chunky lips when moved and bred in captivity because it's a characteristics developed to help them with things such as feeding in their wild habitat. Baring in mind that my fish are only reaching around 3-4" in length, so they still have a fair bit to grow anyway. I ordered the specific line in from one of my local and very reputable LFS under "Amphilophus Labiatus", with the manager almost certain that he'd be able to get some Red Devils, not Midas or Midevils. I know the manager and he has sorted me and other friends out with some great quality fish. I can actually see a lot of similarity in Rapps pictures in regards to characteristics though, for example the V shaped lips and body shape. I see where you are coming from though.