New Stock to Check Out!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Any Geo Red Head Taps?
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Reactions: AquaScape
Ever get polypterus?
we do get in polypterus but recently its been kind of a pain atm, i do have senegalus currently but usually we'll get in, endlicheri, congicus, lapradei, bichir, palmas, retropinnis, ornapinnis, mokelembembe, polli here and there. albino senegalus, long fin/ short body/ albino senegalus
Ik im just lookinggggg to see if i got a good deal LMAOOOO
I know the feeling. I got a 1 inch red belly piranha for 15 dollars once, I’ve seen them for 25 at the same size. Aquascape and other stores have them for 8...
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Reactions: The Masked Shadow
16” Goonch Catfish -$350
12” Black Devil Cstfish- $250
7” Armatus- $150
9” Silver Arowana- $90
6” Alligator Gar- $75
6” Silver Arowana-$65
7” WC Columbian Severum- $70
5” Jaguar Cichlid- $35
1.5” Geo. Demoni- $8 or 3/$21
1.5” Geo. Steindachtneri-$8 or 3/$21
12”+ watermelon Pleco L330- $150
6” Fire Eels- $40
2” Black Ear Mekong Shark-
2” Geo. Winemilleri-$20 or 3/$55
3” Black Ghost Knife- $8 or 3/$21
2” Blue Phantom Pleco L128- $30
4” Silver Arowana- $40
6” Temensis Peacock Bass-$65
2” Electric Blue Jack Dempsey-$25
2” Royal Pleco L190-$20
2” Mustard Spot Pleco - $25
3” Pleco L127- $13
3” Odessa Barb- $9 or 3/$24
4” Ocellaris Peacock Bass - $
2” Wild Columbian Angels- $13 or 3/$36
1.5” Geo. Balzani F1 Argentina - $8 or 3/$21
3” Gulper Catfish- $60
4” Columbian Aequidens Cichlid- $10 or 3/$27
3” Red Hooks - $16 or 3/$45
3” Electric Blue Jewels- $13 or 3/$36
6” Red Dragon Flowerhorns-$125
1.5” Exodon Tetra- $7 or 10/$60
1” Fahaka Puffers-$25
3” Red tail Catfish- $25
6” Blue (turquoise) Texas -$80
5” Cuban Cichlid- $60
6” Tigershovelnose Hybrid- $65
4” Brackish Target Fish- $
Can you post a few pics of your ocellaris peacock bass intrested in purchasing about 3 or 4