I've kept tropical fish before with some success but have never done a planted tank.
I'm getting back in the hobby after a number of years and have the soace for a 90cm long 200 litre tank.
I have in mind a lush planted tank with some schooling fish, some bottom dwellers.
I am looking for help planning the plants. I can.go hi tech, budget is not an issue but would prefer as simple as possible. I want to get every aspect of the set up/built absolutely right, hopefully to avoid trouble later on. Planning to get an Oase Highline 200L with cabinet and filter it with an external cannister. I was thinking an eheim fx6 but then this could be too much - i just know of them.from when I had Africans and was looking to hugely over filter.
Are there some good resources you know of that I can read up on?
Also looking for suggestions for the fish. What would make nice "centre piece" fish. I would like a peaceful tank. My last tank was all male mbuna and it was like the hunger games in there. I am thinking a big group of classic schooling fish, a good group of bottom dwellers (I like Cory's and a couple of smaller interesting plecos maybe). What else would be good? I don't want to try discus and am wary of Angelfish aggression issues. I'm not interested in gourami.
I like the idea of some apistogramma maybe.
Thanks for your help.
I've kept tropical fish before with some success but have never done a planted tank.
I'm getting back in the hobby after a number of years and have the soace for a 90cm long 200 litre tank.
I have in mind a lush planted tank with some schooling fish, some bottom dwellers.
I am looking for help planning the plants. I can.go hi tech, budget is not an issue but would prefer as simple as possible. I want to get every aspect of the set up/built absolutely right, hopefully to avoid trouble later on. Planning to get an Oase Highline 200L with cabinet and filter it with an external cannister. I was thinking an eheim fx6 but then this could be too much - i just know of them.from when I had Africans and was looking to hugely over filter.
Are there some good resources you know of that I can read up on?
Also looking for suggestions for the fish. What would make nice "centre piece" fish. I would like a peaceful tank. My last tank was all male mbuna and it was like the hunger games in there. I am thinking a big group of classic schooling fish, a good group of bottom dwellers (I like Cory's and a couple of smaller interesting plecos maybe). What else would be good? I don't want to try discus and am wary of Angelfish aggression issues. I'm not interested in gourami.
I like the idea of some apistogramma maybe.
Thanks for your help.