No drill sump?

Fish Tank Travis

MFK Member
Feb 28, 2016
Dayton, OH
I drilled five holes in the back of my 220. Three are for 1.5" bulkheads and two are for 3/4" bulkheads. It went well and is plenty easy. Just make sure you have adequate water for cooling and go slow. You also need a wood template that you clamp to the tank to keep the diamond hole saw in place. It helps to have wood on the backside too, so that you can clamp against it and it ensures the glass chunk doesn't fall into the aquarium and crack the bottom.


MFK Member
Jun 14, 2010
So, if you're worried about drilling, why not just grab an overflow box off eBay, try it, and if you're not happy THEN drill it. I can't argue the fact drilling is safer overall, but that doesn't mean you won't be happy with the overflow box, I am with mine.

Sir Speedy

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2017
Is it possible?

Saw a 220 for sale at greentree pet store but it's not drilled. Non of my tank use sumps as iv never had a big enough tank and I also know very little about them.

My only thought was to use a 2 pumps instead of 1. One to get water into sump and one to get it out but to me it seems like a disaster waiting to happen if ur return pump went out and output just kept pumping.
Usually the bottom glass on the tank is tempered but if you are unable to find out for sure don't try it. Putting a pump in the display to supply the sump is very dangerous because in the event of a power loss the pumps shut down to the siphon continues and you have quite a bit of water all over the place. The option of a hang on the back overflow is not a pretty one but may be the ideal option if you can't drill the tank.


I attached the picture above of a hang on the back overflow I used to use on a non drill tank. This never failed. The trick was the little pump that sat on the top. The pump made sure it never lost siphon while operating and when you lose power it would break the siphon so that your sump wouldn't over flow.

Just an idea.