Noob at Cichlids and Sun Cats

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I have a hang on the back filter, and I put in these cartridges that come with these packets of activated carbon, so I'm assuming it like a 2in1 so I have a bio-filter and a mechanical filter.
I did not consult with my LFSs about which fish to buy. I didn't want to have a community tank of a lot of small fish (which my brother has), but rather only a few bigger fish. so after spending a couple weeks researching on the web about what kinds of fish fit my criteria, I settled on Oscars and the Eclipse catfish. I actually originally thought about keeping only one tiger oscar, but over time, I started to also really like the sun cat and red oscar

I personally made lots of mistakes in my years of Fish keeping. So I was not perfect in any way lol. Please take time and read the link above and if you have any questions we will help answer them the best way possible.

Do you have Dechlorinator on hand? I'm asking because you will have to do small partial water changes until your aquarium cycle's. Do you have any friends that could give you a little gravel from their aquarium. Also products like Seachem Stability will help with the cycling process.
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I found my suncat to grow very quickly until it reached about 6 to 7 inches, then grew slower from there.

Personally I'd skip the 75 gal and go straight to a 125 gal tank or similar or bigger size above ground snap frame pool
Zak03 Zak03
I think lots of people start out with Oscars. They are great fish with big personalities.
My best advice to you would be read. Read everything that you can about your fish and fish keeping.
Then when you have specific questions or run up on conflicting information, (because there’s a lot of bad advice out there).
Ask questions. MFK is probably the single best source for real life experience with anything you can think of fish related.
Lots of great people with extensive knowledge.
I personally made lots of mistakes in my years of Fish keeping. So I was not perfect in any way lol. Please take time and read the link above and if you have any questions we will help answer them the best way possible.

Do you have Dechlorinator on hand? I'm asking because you will have to do small partial water changes until your aquarium cycle's. Do you have any friends that could give you a little gravel from their aquarium. Also products like Seachem Stability will help with the cycling process.

There is uneaten fish food on the bottom of the tank, and i am seeing this white fuzz accumulate on the food. When i first saw that, i was worried, but you said that the uneaten food aids in establishing the nitrogen cycle, so im taking the white fuzz is good and i shouldn't remove the food.

I looked at the links you guys sent, and in the one that was about a differnt MFK thread, the guy started talking about all these measurments. So I'm assuming that i ned to talk to my LFS and do my own reaserch about the different measurment tools I'll need to acquire.

I use a Conditioner that helps remove chlorine from tap water, even though we have well water.

On the topic of using someone else gravel, my brother is gonna be moving his fish to a bigger tank, so I'll be using his old gravel, but i will need to add some (bought from the store) since what he has will not be enough for my tank.
I personally made lots of mistakes in my years of Fish keeping. So I was not perfect in any way lol. Please take time and read the link above and if you have any questions we will help answer them the best way possible.

Do you have Dechlorinator on hand? I'm asking because you will have to do small partial water changes until your aquarium cycle's. Do you have any friends that could give you a little gravel from their aquarium. Also products like Seachem Stability will help with the cycling process.
There is uneaten fish food on the bottom of the tank, and i am seeing this white fuzz accumulate on the food. When i first saw that, i was worried, but you said that the uneaten food aids in establishing the nitrogen cycle, so im taking the white fuzz is good and i shouldn't remove the food.

I looked at the links you guys sent, and in the one that was about a differnt MFK thread, the guy started talking about all these measurments. So I'm assuming that i ned to talk to my LFS and do my own reaserch about the different measurment tools I'll need to acquire.

I use a Conditioner that helps remove chlorine from tap water, even though we have well water.

On the topic of using someone else gravel, my brother is gonna be moving his fish to a bigger tank, so I'll be using his old gravel, but i will need to add some (bought from the store) since what he has will not be enough for my tank.

The rotting food must be removed asap. That method is only for the fishless cycle. Keep using the water conditioner for now until your aquarium cycle stabilize. Please tell you brother not to rinse or wash off the gravel because it has some live bacteria on it. Don't let it dry out or bacteria will die. If you like just place the gravel in a mesh bag. You can get one from the lfs. Just place bag with gravel in the aquarium. Feed your fish lightly once a day and remove any uneaten food.
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Btw your fish will be producing ammonia daily. Also forgot to ask if you had a test kit. If not you will need one to test your water parameters. You can also have it checked by the lfs.
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The rotting food must be removed asap. That method is only for the fishless cycle. Keep using the water conditioner for now until your aquarium cycle stabilize. Please tell you brother not to rinse or wash off the gravel because it has some live bacteria on it. Don't let it dry out or bacteria will die. If you like just place the gravel in a mesh bag. You can get one from the lfs. Just place bag with gravel in the aquarium. Feed your fish lightly once a day and remove any uneaten food.

Ok, I'll remove the food
I was told ( and reaserched) to only add the conditioner when I do water changes. And do I do water changes when the water gets really dirty?

I do not have a test kit or any measuring tools excpet for a digital termometer.
Ok, I'll remove the food
I was told ( and reaserched) to only add the conditioner when I do water changes. And do I do water changes when the water gets really dirty?

I do not have a test kit or any measuring tools excpet for a digital termometer.

Correct in most cases yes use the Dechlorinator during water changes. Most of us here use Seachem Prime. In emergencies such as high levels of ammonia or nitrite it can be added to help levels from becoming lethal. You must have a consistent water change routine. I personally change water every week on all of my aquariums. Whom ever said wait till water gets dirty is absolutely wrong! Oscars will begin to develop disease such as Hole In the Head aka HITH. Also fish can become stunted under poor quality water conditions.
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Correct in most cases yes use the Dechlorinator during water changes. Most of us here use Seachem Prime. In emergencies such as high levels of ammonia or nitrite it can be added to help levels from becoming lethal. You must have a consistent water change routine. I personally change water every week on all of my aquariums. Whom ever said wait till water gets dirty is absolutely wrong! Oscars will begin to develop disease such as Hole In the Head aka HITH. Also fish can become stunted under poor quality water conditions.

ok, wow. Having a constant water changing schedule is a must. thats what i will have to do.
And I'll have to buy a testing kit. What should i look for when buying a testing kit? And do i have to buy a KIT or are there tools you put place into the tank and they just constantly and automatically tell you what's what.
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