Deciding between my clowns and the NTT was one of the toughest decisions I've had to make in this hobby. I think you'd be fine for many (maybe 5-7?) years. If you start out with a midswimmer that can slightly hold its own like mild mannered cichlids, I don't believe the dat harassing the clowns will be much of an issue. Tank size will eventually become the issue. You're at what I'd consider the very minimum tank size for a NTT or a group of clowns for life. From my past experience, I'd guess you'd get 5-7 years in and be to the point of having to do 2 water changes a week to keep up with the bio load.Do you ever regret selling your NTT, as I can't decide between the NTT or the loaches. If you think that the NTT would harass the loaches then I don't know if that combo would work.