great to hearZoodiver;4576422; said:After the next X ray, talk is to move our current nurse shark in the main Reef display to the big shark display and have this little guy move into the Reef.
krichardson;4576444; said:Great story and outcome..Do you intend to return the shark to the sea eventually?
what would there reasoning be for not releasing them once they have made healthy via drugs?Zoodiver;4581011; said:We don't have the permit nor the means to properly set up this animal for release. It will be a life time displat animal for people to come and see once he goes into the main Reef display.
Releasing fish requires a permit and you need to go through a process of making sure the animal is clean and hasn't been treated with anything. Because we've introduced various drugs into the body (antibiotics etc...), he's been deemed non-releasable.