• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Official arowana showcase Thread (Post with Photos)

My first Silver Aro in my 225... tankmates are: 1 silver tipped shark, 1 jade cory, 2 jack dempsies, 1 zebra angel, 1 pleco, 1 chinese algae eater, 1 gold sevurm, & 12 red minor tetras.

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Sweet aros bro! what do feed those guys? i have just one silver aro & feed him hikari jumbo carnisticks & frozen silver sides & that can get a little pricey :( also may i ask what kind of fish is that in the 3rd pic w/ a silver body & black w/ red striped tail? its a nice fish too.

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Sweet aros bro! what do feed those guys? i have just one silver aro & feed him hikari jumbo carnisticks & frozen silver sides & that can get a little pricey :( also may i ask what kind of fish is that in the 3rd pic w/ a silver body & black w/ red striped tail? its a nice fish too.

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my bad 2nd pic has a clear shot of the fish i was asking about.

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