• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Official arowana showcase Thread (Post with Photos)

20180509_071000.jpg 20180506_231234.jpg Here are my Arowanas. First one is a chilli red and second one is a bluebase crossback gold. Both are 20 inches give or take an inch! Will post pics of my silver shortly.
Aro's remind me of tarpon. Anybody keep tarpon? Full grown one need about 5,000G ?
Tarpons are tough to keep in a tank. It's better kept in a large pond. While adults they grow to about 3 times the size of a fully grown Arowana!
Here is my share everyone, from 5 inches to 12 inches in 5 months, 'MARIPOSA' a HBRTG from Sanwa Aquatics ;-)
