Official Meme Thread....

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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I got no home repairs, appliance replacement or anything else this week end, going to get my water changes done tonight then,

Lololol! My hubby liked that one, he thinks our weather man needs to make predictions like those :rolleyes:
Of coarse he does, he,s a guy. truth of the matter not going to exactly work out that way, but going get as close to it as I can, :)
Of coarse he does, he,s a guy. truth of the matter not going to exactly work out that way, but going get as close to it as I can, :)
Pops, you ol' devil, you. :P
hahaha, speaking of devil, my female jag F1 has gone ballistic, she wants some loving, so sense doing water change going to put her with her brother in 145. I have a reverse UG system in the 180 and she is digging up the gravel and freaking it up. and she needs a man whither her brother or not.
You mentioned me. Was it about the 3000 post thread?
53121223.jpg .What's the big deal with having three thousand posts anyhow?.....were you offered a tee shirt or a wristwatch or something?
I've seen some scooters out accelerate sport bikes and Harleys...and get great milage doing it. Haha
I don't doubt it.....over on another forum that I post on a guy claimed to have made a round trip journey on his scooter to Nova Scotia and back here to Pennsylvania.
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