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Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

I really can't understand having a last meal. I wouldn't be able to eat.

I would think the inmates have so much time (usually 10+ years) of being on death row they must make peace with the idea that they are going to be put to death
In case anyone is in need of a good laugh, just type "sovereign citizens owned" into the YouTube search bar and prepare for hilarity.
Extravagant last meal, do you guys think a prisoners last meal request should be considered?
Nope. More on why below.

Hello; While I might not go along entirely with actual starvation, even tho in some ways that seems fitting for rapist, murders, terrorist and child molesters, I do go for the other. A dark cell with plain food enough to stay alive.
I also do not like them playing the justice system for over a decade. I understand it costs more each year to house such a prisoner than to send a student to a fine college. Seems to me the legal system should execute the for sure guilty within a month of sentencing. Need a pretty high standard of guilt tho so the potentially innocent do not get the axe.
I know a couple of men who spend their lives in prison, when they're released they commit any crime they can to go back. They do this because the three good meals a day, hot running water and a warm, dry place to sleep is more than they have on the "outside".

If prison was worse than being homeless people wouldn't go there just for somewhere to sleep. If they got less food in prison than what their dole (government) payment can buy them, they wouldn't want to go there.
Basically, if life was more comfortable for a homeless person than it is for prisoners, we'd see a small chunk of petty re-offenders stop re-offending. Granted this would likely add to the homeless rate, but I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather give money to help a homeless guy off the streets than give it to a prison so criminals can have "seafood Friday" every damn week..

One of my friends has a brother who is an absolute idiot. He's in prison right now for sexual assault (we won't get into that) and every time I see her all she does is complain that "the prison system doesn't work, they don't get any rehabilitation bla bla bla" and so on. My argument to that is they shouldn't need rehabilitating, that's the idea of prison - a punishment for people who KNOW they've done the wrong thing, punishment should be enough to not do it again. If going to prison doesn't teach people, then maybe they have it too easy in there.

Just my opinion. :)

serve em a picture of what ever they want with a side of loaf and a tin of juice.
Why juice? I say give them room temperature water. ;)