You know what's strange? The first bomb went off on a street me and my wife looked at buying houses back in 2008.It looks as if there is a Unabomber on the loose in Texas.
You know what's strange? The first bomb went off on a street me and my wife looked at buying houses back in 2008.It looks as if there is a Unabomber on the loose in Texas.
That is...did it harm anyone or do much damage?You know what's strange? The first bomb went off on a street me and my wife looked at buying houses back in 2008.
I think the first 2 are dead and 3 others are injured. I think there has been a total of 5 bombs. Bomb 1: Dead, Bomb 2: dead, Bomb 3:injured, Bomb 4: 2 injured, Bomb 5: No injuries.That is...did it harm anyone or do much damage?
Lead poisoning courtesy of Pops!try to steal one of my parrots, lol like a vid of that.
I have a little bit.I watched a press conference earlier held jointly by the ATF and the FBI.The reporters were chewing them up really good as they were so frustrated that they were not getting any useful answers from the agents."Is there any one of you here who can tell us anything?" LOL!You guys following the bomber ? I haven't been warching. Terrorist or homegrown maniac ?
I think it's a local homegrown manic. A terrorist wouldn't waste time on small fry.You guys following the bomber ? I haven't been warching. Terrorist or homegrown maniac ?
I think it's a local homegrown manic. A terrorist wouldn't waste time on small fry.