Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Sounds like a very good deal.
One thing I've noticed when I am in tassie is there aren't many fish shops around, where do you get your fish?
I get down there for,work every few months and travel the whole,island but
My favorite store is the Hobart Pet Center, the "fish guy" in there really knows his stuff - and is pretty easy on the eyes too :P
Fish are always in good shape, prices are a bit higher than elsewhere but they're a little family run business so I don't mind paying the extra few bucks here and there. They're also the only shop in the southeast of the state that sell decent sized driftwood... And they layby! :D

Otherwise, there's a little shop in Lutana called Crespets (the spelling may be wrong), the lady just runs it out of her shed thingy. Only small but a nice little shop with really healthy fish, and the lady had been keeping fish herself for longer than I've been alive..

Otherwise there's only the standard chain stores like Pet Barn and Animal Tuckerbox sort of things which are only good for cheap equipment. And Pet Barn is the only place that sells prime in the southeast... Because of course they are... :rolleyes:
fill them before I get there to show they don't leak, fingers crossed! :D
Hello; It is good to know a tank does not leak but there is a down side to looking at a filled tank. I bought one that way back in the 1970's. It was also dirty. When I got it home and cleaned it I discovered the inside of all the glass was scratched all over. The scratches did not show up so much when full of water.
Don't know if I did not look close enough or the guy had the light just so they were not so easy to spot. Anyway I can usually fix a leak but I do not know how to fix scratches.
Hello; It is good to know a tank does not leak but there is a down side to looking at a filled tank. I bought one that way back in the 1970's. It was also dirty. When I got it home and cleaned it I discovered the inside of all the glass was scratched all over. The scratches did not show up so much when full of water.
Don't know if I did not look close enough or the guy had the light just so they were not so easy to spot. Anyway I can usually fix a leak but I do not know how to fix scratches.
After I've seen that they don't leak they have to be emptied to go on the ute so I can give them a good once over while empty too and see how beaten up they are. Even if they are a bit scratched I'll likely grab them anyway, even if they're just qt tanks or whatever. For $55 each I feel like I'm ripping myself off by not getting them. As long as they hold water, she'll be right. :)

On a different topic, damn the weather here is miserable. Its pouring rain and windy enough that I can feel the house jolt whenever it picks up... Its a little worrying if I'm being honest. It's barely even 7am and my house already feels like its gonna fall apart. :eek:
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It was damn near eighty degrees here yesterday and today it is barely about Mother Nature having a mood swing!
It was damn near eighty degrees here yesterday and today it is barely about Mother Nature having a mood swing!
I had to google conversions :oops: but it seems 50°F is about 10°c.. We're only half way through autumn here and it's already about 10°c at 7am, and the damn real estate won't fix my heater. I've gone through three Tassie winters without a proper heater (and I'm right on the river, making it feel even colder) this will be the fourth.. :(

Yes, it is highly illegal for them not to fix it. No, I can't jump up and down about it because I need a good reference from these guys or I'm never gonna get another house, and I'm not living here forever.. Not if I can help it.
Damned slumlords.I'd leave the owners a nice parting gift on move out day.
Damned slumlords.I'd leave the owners a nice parting gift on move out day.
I want to leave a warning message in spray paint on the wall when I move. Obviously I can't or I don't get my bond back, but a girl can dream...
Haha!....that would be rich but no....definitely wouldn't be conducive to getting your money back.Hope things eventually work out for you.
Haha!....that would be rich but no....definitely wouldn't be conducive to getting your money back.Hope things eventually work out for you.
Thanks. I'm looking at a house on Wednesday so hopefully I can move soon and not have to worry about being cold. :)
I want to leave a warning message in spray paint on the wall when I move. Obviously I can't or I don't get my bond back, but a girl can dream...
Hello; perhaps a letter to the address after you have gone to the next renters . (Do not include your name or return address.

A story. There is a crummy rental house near me. The owners are lowlifes but the last few renters have been no better either.
The last renters messed up the septic tank and field before they moved out. The renter also did damage to the house during drunken/manic remodeling binges for which he did not have permission. The renter wanted their deposit back but the owner refused.
Sounds like the owner is in the right I guess but I know him and figure he would have refused the deposit anyway on phony grounds.
It seems the renter may have gotten the last lick in. Someone (my guess being the renter) called the county official in charge of septic systems. Now the house cannot be lived in until a new septic tank and field is installed. The renters also apparently left bedbugs. The place has sat empty for about two years now.
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