My favorite store is the Hobart Pet Center, the "fish guy" in there really knows his stuff - and is pretty easy on the eyes tooSounds like a very good deal.
One thing I've noticed when I am in tassie is there aren't many fish shops around, where do you get your fish?
I get down there for,work every few months and travel the whole,island but

Fish are always in good shape, prices are a bit higher than elsewhere but they're a little family run business so I don't mind paying the extra few bucks here and there. They're also the only shop in the southeast of the state that sell decent sized driftwood... And they layby!

Otherwise, there's a little shop in Lutana called Crespets (the spelling may be wrong), the lady just runs it out of her shed thingy. Only small but a nice little shop with really healthy fish, and the lady had been keeping fish herself for longer than I've been alive..
Otherwise there's only the standard chain stores like Pet Barn and Animal Tuckerbox sort of things which are only good for cheap equipment. And Pet Barn is the only place that sells prime in the southeast... Because of course they are...