Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Why do so many countries want to commit cultural suicide these days it boggles the mind
I don't get it either.I can't say too much more or I will be afoul of the rules here but things are not looking good in some parts of Europe....and I don't see any change in sight.
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It's a shame San Fran is a really nice place...or was a nice place. I almost moved there in my early 20's
I don't know how things are run in the shelters but I was under the impression that the residents could come and go as they pleased as they went out sought betterment.Your post kind of suggests otherwise.
Less freedom, more rules in a shelter, plus often far from any jobs.

Unfortunately the rising addict population has put a strain on resources for the "real" homeless.

This whole legalize hard drugs thing will backfire terribly.
I don't get it either.I can't say too much more or I will be afoul of the rules here but things are not looking good in some parts of Europe....and I don't see any change in sight.
I find it funny that in many so called "free" countries:
You can't own a gun or weapon.
You can't speak freely.
You can't practice your religious freedom.

(Even slaves in the old days were often allowed these rights in many cultures).
Apparently there are two doughnut days a year, nobody is certain when they started, but one theory is from the Vietnam war: a PoW was captured by Charlie ,
The soldier was named Orson Swindle, he convinced the Vietcong that there was a huge holiday called donut day, celebrated every year in America,the VC believed this and surprisingly , ordered everyone sticky buns.

(I guess the Viet cong got Swindled).
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I'm done with California , they need to become their own country and leave us alone, after a few years and most Californians die we take it back
Yeah....too many wacked out ideas and bs conjured up by some of those people.