No that has died down since you've last posted.Is there still the raging argument about the Siamese tiger?
I am going to push back on this a bit, The man had a gun in his hand, he was requested to put the gun down or away, He was drunk. he pointed the gun at the deputies as he closed the garage door.
now let me step back a bit, (I have my gun on my side as I type), you never pull it out unless you are going to use it, let alone at known law enforcement that are there for disturbing the peace. you point a gun at the cops there for a call, well sorry. I would not wait to see if he was going to use it or not, and I have no ideal if its loaded. Again keep in the holster, no reason to pull it out, 0 reason.
keep the gun in the holster and talk to the police about the noise complaint. no problem, the gun is none defacto.
drunk black, drunk white,drunk what ever, no mater.
Jaws,thanks for the video.It was quite interesting.Stop stop all of that COMMON SENSE hurts.
Not buying the b.s about cops Carrington burners either at least not as common as it's being mentioned.
Jaws,thanks for the video.It was quite interesting.
I am going to push back on this a bit, The man had a gun in his hand, he was requested to put the gun down or away, He was drunk. he pointed the gun at the deputies as he closed the garage door.
now let me step back a bit, (I have my gun on my side as I type), you never pull it out unless you are going to use it, let alone at known law enforcement that are there for disturbing the peace. you point a gun at the cops there for a call, well sorry. I would not wait to see if he was going to use it or not, and I have no ideal if its loaded. Again keep in the holster, no reason to pull it out, 0 reason.
Stop stop all of that COMMON SENSE hurts.
If they were really trying to stage something why would they place it anywhere other than in his hands ?
The little girl saw all of this from her preschool ?