Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hello; So JH about the 1% thing. The answer is not what I expected. Not sure what I expected but that answer is not much help. I get the 1% bit that applies to the very rich but as stated this particular moniker does not seem to apply.
I see and know several who are supported by their parents much in the way you describe. A house near me is often rented by medical students going to LMU (Lincoln Memorial University) in Harrogate TN. Met a new one yesterday who just moved in.
We did not talk politics so do not know how she leans that way. She is from Memphis which is a fairly big town in TN. I guess she thinks she is out in the sticks which may have some truth to it. Asked me if I know where to get homemade shine. I use to but not for decades.

I gather you are still sorta young. May I suggest not setting your political views in concrete just yet. May be that when you eventually are out on your own in the world that things might seem different.
Hello; I see you are staying out of the political stuff also. Looks like imabot and jaws are going to push things. maybe they will get banned and the mods will leave the thread going.
Edit -perhaps I posted too soon.


keep on with the political stuff mixed in with the not so cleverly disguised vulgarities and either the thread gets closed or you get banned. I prefer that those who keep keeping on get banned but it will not be my call.

"Exhibit A your honor" lmaooo
What bothers me most is how much they get in social assistance. My wife sent me something once that said they get up 60 or 70% of all social assistance while the rest goes to actual citizens. To me that's is what needs to end like ASAP.
I's almost as if the whole illegal alien situation is the most important issue in the country.
There's a couple of different 1%ers besides what's been mentioned by J.H

I've seen it in the gang wold. Sometimes a 1% is in the upper echelon of the gang, the highest ranked members.

Other times 1%ers are the few members that know information about things that only 1% of the worlds population is allowed to have access to. Some real conspiracy theory stuff
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I've always known of the 1%er term to refer to outlaw motorcycle clubs or gangs and it's origin goes back quite a number of years.I guess it's recently been adopted by other groups.