Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Red wolves are rather rare, one of the oil companies are apparently wanting the land for oil use
hello; Rare they may be. Endangered they may be. Those two things are not going to be necessarily made worse by the development of land for oil extraction. Could be and it also could be that both goals can be had. The game plan has been to a degree to limit all land use using an endangered species as the fulcrum. I do not know the details so cannot say for sure that all oil extraction must be stopped. There may be a way to have both goals but the gov bureaucrats have for some time, to me at least, focused on only one strategy. That often is to restrict all land use.
hello; Rare they may be. Endangered they may be. Those two things are not going to be necessarily made worse by the development of land for oil extraction. Could be and it also could be that both goals can be had. The game plan has been to a degree to limit all land use using an endangered species as the fulcrum. I do not know the details so cannot say for sure that all oil extraction must be stopped. There may be a way to have both goals but the gov bureaucrats have for some time, to me at least, focused on only one strategy. That often is to restrict all land use.
I'd be open to oil extraction if they kept it clean and left the wolves alone, no fracking tho, messes up the water tables
I'd be open to oil extraction if they kept it clean and left the wolves alone, no fracking tho, messes up the water tables
Hello; Well I guess I could ask if you have given up using petroleum based products to try to make a point, which is a come back too often over used. Unfortunately we have depleted the easy to get at resources and have moved on to the tougher to get at stuff that remains.

It is also a double edged deal with the fracking in the sense of good and bad. Good in the sense we can now retrieve a bit more oil and natural gas from the oil and gas deposits that had been almost played out until the new techniques were put into play. Bad in the sense this technique appears to be causing serious and possibly long term environmental problems.

Unfortunately the decisions that needed to be made some decades ago were made on the side of continuing the fossil fuel energy party. If you happen to be young then perhaps these decisions were made before you were born.
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hello; I am curious about the small voting area in Georgia where in a recent primary over twice as many votes were cast than the number of registered voters. So far I have only seen a brief report on the internet.
hello; I am curious about the small voting area in Georgia where in a recent primary over twice as many votes were cast than the number of registered voters. So far I have only seen a brief report on the internet.
Either someone's bad at counting,or someone voting often methinks.

Let's blame fishhead0103666 fishhead0103666 lol
Hey, just because I live there doesn't mean I know what's going on there lol.
Those who aren't paying attention are just living and not caring being happy :)
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Mammoth bones have been found in cenotes in mexico, while javelina bones have been found in caves in Indiana .